Friday, April 3, 2020

Chemistry With a Man - A Guide to Help You Stay Together

Chemistry With a Man - A Guide to Help You Stay TogetherChemistry with a man is an essential component of any successful relationship, but there are also some things you should know in order to make sure you don't accidentally lose your guy. Whether you're dating married, or just want to see if he's someone you really can get along with, it's important to make sure that you can work with each other as well as the chemistry that you have is there.When two individuals start out with male friendship and chemistry together, the result will always be better for both parties involved. Any attempts at avoidance will only cause strain and conflict between the two of you. However, when there's a strong underlying attraction between the two of you, you'll find yourself falling in love with each other more than you would have ever thought possible.If you're like most women who are getting into a relationship with a man you met on the internet, you may be very intimidated by the idea of chemistr y. For many women, chemistry isn't something they have experience with, so you'll have to make sure that you can effectively convey your feelings in order to avoid heartbreak.It's not uncommon for women to be very shy about their emotions in a relationship. While chemistry is certainly not about showing emotion, it can help you ease the heartache of an emotional downfall you could have suffered if you hadn't taken the time to find out whether he was indeed a match for you. You don't want to make him feel awkward when it comes to talking to you in front of him, so communicating things you need to say and trying to make him feel as comfortable as possible around you are vital aspects of chemistry. While most women are very careful with how they express their emotions and need to be careful that they never let their emotions get the best of them, a man will take chemistry more or less as seriously as women do.Men are very meticulous about what they're comfortable sharing with their fri ends and having something in common with you is very important to any man. Since chemistry in a relationship can be one of the best ways to show how compatible you are with each other, a man will look to keep you close to him through the chemistry. As long as you're able to stay close and communicate everything you feel and think, this is probably one of the greatest ways to make a man fall in love with you.Sometimes, a man will get the wrong idea when it comes to chemistry with a woman. Unfortunately, this is probably the last thing you want if you have an argument over the phone or in person, as men tend to think that if you're not wearing a necklace, you're not all that interested in them.The truth is that there's a lot more to chemistry with a man than just making a man feel comfortable around you. Most guys think that if a woman doesn't ask them out, it means she's not interested, but all the physical contact makes him feel that way. If you want to make a man fall in love with you, you'll have to be the one to constantly show him that you're interested in him.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

What is the Best Way to Learn Japanese in Order to Prepare for a Test

What is the Best Way to Learn Japanese in Order to Prepare for a Test How to Prepare for a Test with Your Japanese Tutor ChaptersWhy Enlist the Help of Japanese Teachers?There are Many Japanese Teachers Out There: Finding the Best Japanese Tutor with SuperprofHow to Study Well for Your Japanese TestWho Should Take a Test in JapaneseThere are many different ways to learn Japanese, but like most people, you are probably asking yourself what is the best way to learn Japanese.There is no simple answer to this question. Firstly there are a number of different learning styles  and it depends depends on which one is most effective for you. Everyone learns a little bit differently. Some people need more visual stimulus, whereas others rely more on an auditory method.The second important factor relates to your motivations for Japanese learning. The different ways of learning Japanese are aimed to teach you in a specific way. If you want to learn Japanese quickly so that you can become fluent, then a Japanese course in Tokyo would be best as you would be completely immersed by the language with plenty of opportu nities to practice.If you want to just learn basic Japanese in order to have a few greetings and phrases before you visit Japan, then a course in Japanese online might suit you better.If however you have a test coming up, and you need to practice Japanese grammar and improve your Japanese vocabulary, then lessons with a private tutor are probably the way to go.It doesn't matter if you are studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), or a set of national exams in a particular country, a private tutor can help you prepare for the test in a way that aims to improve your weaknesses and build on your strengths.Here is a guide to how to progress thanks to a private tutor, and prepare for your Japanese exam in an effective manner!Ability to understand spoken Japanese and identify what is being said in short  spoken dialogues and narratives about everyday topics.Ability to complete sentences in a way that is appropriate in terms of structure (grammar), vocabulary, and context s.Identify usage that is both structurally correct and contextually appropriate.Understand such points as the main and supporting ideas. Selections are taken from materials you might encounter in everyday situations, such as notes, menus, newspaper articles, advertisements, and letters.You should also look at the format of the test to find out the best way to prepare for it. Again the format will differ depending on the level, and different skills will be tested using a variety of methods. It is recommended that you do some specific exam preparation with your Japanese tutor so that the format of the test is familiar when you come to sit it. This will limit the amount of nasty surprises that you might experience.If we use the example of the JLPT, the upper levels have three parts; Language knowledge-vocabulary, Language knowledge-grammar, and listening. There is no speaking aspect in the JLPT.Now that you have all the cards in hand to succeed when you take your Japanese test, the onl y thing left is study study following the advice of your Superprof!Hopefully the success that you have on your test will lead to you taking a study trip to Japan. Learning a new language is tough going and the boost of doing well in a test is essential in helping any learner stick to their task of studying the language and culture.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Fun Italian Vocabulary Games for Kids

4 Fun Italian Vocabulary Games for Kids Brooke Neuman Is your child having trouble memorizing Italian vocabulary? Below, Italian tutor Nadia B. shares four fun games that will help your child learn vocabulary while still having fun One of the keys to helping children learn Italianor any language for that matteris to keep it fun and encourage use of the language. The following Italian vocabulary games accomplish both goals. In between Italian lessons, play these fun games with your child. You never know, you might pick up a few Italian vocabulary words yourself! 1. Charades Chances are youre already familiar with the word guessing game, charades. Charades is a fun way to stimulate a childs imagination, and the best part is you can customize the game for whatever your child needs to work on. If he or she needs to work on memorizing verbs, for example, you can write different verbssuch as ridere  (to laugh),  scrivere  (to write),  pensare  (to think)on index cards, then ask your child to act out the verb. You can make it as simple or as complex as you like. The only rule is that all discussions must be done inyes, you guessed it, Italian! 2. Who Am I? Write out a list of individuals on small strips of paper; for example, linsegnante (teacher), la studentessa (student), il fratello (brother), lavvocato ( lawyer), etc.  If the child has a good understanding of Italian culture, you can try listing well-known Italian figures such as il Papa, Jovanotti, Dante, etc. Next, choose a strip of paper and tape it to the childs back so he or she cant see it. Then, have the child take turns asking questions in Italian about who she or he is. You can give the child suggestions for questions to ask; for example,  Sono maschio o femmina? (Are they male or female?), Quanti anni ho? (How old am I?), and Sono ancora vivo/a? ( Am I still alive?) As the questions become more complex, the more the child will practice his or her Italian vocabulary. If the child doesnt know a particular word,  encourage him or her to look it up or simple ask how to say it.  The game is concluded when the child has discovered his or her identity. 3.  I Spy First, gather a set of index cards. On half the cards, create a mark with a colored marker or crayon. On the remaining cards, write out the name of an object in the room. Keep the two sets of cards separate. Next, ask the child to choose a card from each pile. After choosing a colored card and object card, the child will have to identify the specific colored object in the room and form the sentence, I spy a ______.  If the child chooses the object door and the color white, for example, he or she will form the sentence,  Vedo una porta bianca. (I see a white door.) 4. Like/Dislike Gather a set of index cards and some dice. On half of the cards write the phrase, Mi piace/piacciono ___ (I like ___). On the other half, write the phrase, Non mi piace/piacciono ___ (I dont like ____).  Then, place all of the index cards in a bag. Next, ask the child  to pick a card from the bag and roll the die. Whatever number he or she rolls is the number of items or actions he or she must list. For example, if the number three is rolled, the child must list three things he or she likes or dislikes depending on which card he or she picked. Using these Italian vocabulary games will make practice fun and exciting! Encourage your child to come up with exciting alterations to the games, as there are many variations in how they can be played. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Marino González

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learn Italian by Working and Studying in Italy

Learn Italian by Working and Studying in Italy How Traveling Can Help You Learn Italian ChaptersRome: An Ideal City for Learning ItalianWhy Learn Business Italian?Italy’s Top Student CitiesWhy You Should Learn to Speak Italian in ItalyHave you always dreamt of learning Italian?  Has Italy’s rich history of art and architecture piqued your interest?Why not take a leap of faith and go to Italy to learn its beautiful romance language through cultural immersion?Not only will you discover a new way of life, it will also be a lot easier for you to grasp some basic Italian and practice your Italian pronunciation on your travels.Total immersion in the Italian way of life will make it far easier for you to improve your language skills and achieve fluency more quickly than by simply learning in the UK.If you’re learning Italian for beginners, you’ll find that spending some time in Italy will help you pick up a large amount of Italian vocabulary relatively quickly, just by listening to native speakers around you.You’ll also pick up useful everyday Italian words and phras es, so you can ditch the phrasebook and learn to develop your conversational Italian.These days, a lot of young people choose to go abroad for both long and short trips.Some simply go there for a holiday, others for a university language exchange or a work placement. No matter your reason for visiting Italy, you will learn valuable skills which will serve you throughout the rest of your life.So, maybe it’s your turn to try it. fascinating history.Founded 2000 years ago, Rome possesses treasures which will make you never want to leave!First of all, it’s important to know that Rome is in the European Union, meaning that anyone else coming from an EU country will easily be able to travel, live and work there.For the time being, this included UK citizens â€" so, take advantage of freedom of movement while you still can!So, this is an important point if you’ve got your mind set on Italy.Secondly, once you’ve arrived in Rome, you have two options: working or studying.Here’s what you need to know about working in Italy:There is no minimum wage set by the governmentThe working week can be anything between 40 hours and 48 hours at the maximumYou’ll be entitled to four weeks of holiday and 11 public holidays per yearTo protect yourself in the case of ill health or unemployment, register with Azienda Sanitaria Locale  (ASL)At 39.1% for 16 to 25-year-olds, Italy’s unemployment rate is higher than in other European countriesThe sectors that employ the most people are catering, business, administration and computingIf you want to study Italian in Rome, you have a choice of language centres:LSI Rome is a language school which offers Italian lessons for all levels and agesTorre di Babele has been around for 33 years and offers Italian language courses for allScuola Romit  is for young people who want to learn Italian whilst discovering the city of RomeWhen it comes to finding accommodation during your trip to Italy, the further in advance you find somewhere to s tay, the better.You can always rent with some of Rome’s residents, especially those who are also a part of the student population. This is an ideal way to throw yourself into the deep end and be completely immersed in Italian culture.Why Learn Business Italian?What is Italian useful for?What can fluency in speaking Italian do for your CV as languages such as French, German and Spanish are taking centre stage in the professional world?There are 61 million native Italian speakers around the world, so even if it’s not as widely spoken as its Latinate cousins, Italian will always hold importance on the continent.Contrary to what you may believe, Italy is not the only country where Italian is spoken.Italian is one of the four official languages of Switzerland, alongside French, German and the minority language, Romansch. Even though German is the most widely spoken language in Switzerland, Italian is spoken fluently by 8% of the population.Italian is also spoken in Croatia, in the re gion of Istria. This peninsula is close to Italy, and its culture is closely linked to that of Italy as it is a former part of the Roman Empire. So, if you’ve ever wondered about visiting Croatia, going to Istria is a perfect opportunity to test out your Italian skills!In Argentina, where nearly half of the population is of Italian origin, dual nationality is quite common and Italian culture is kept alive by the Italian Argentinians.Get your CV to the top of the pile with your knowledge of Italian ¦ source: Pixabay - TeroVesalainenAll of these international links represent opportunities for you to practice your Italian which will make you very attractive to future employers.Just two per cent of Brits have sufficient language skills to be able to take part in an Italian conversation. As the fourth most popular destination for British tourists, it comes as a surprise that so many of just have to rely on our Italian phrasebook when visiting the country.The 2011 census revealed that only 0.2% of UK residents can speak Italian fluently. In fourteenth place in the rankings of languages spoken in the UK, behind Polish, Arabic, Urdu and Spanish, those who speak Italian seem rare.One reason for this is the UK’s immigrant population. The other factor which affects these rankings is, of course, the languages UK citizens choose to learn as a second language.Modern European languages such as French, Portuguese and Spanish come above Italian, implying that fewer people learn Italian as a second language.This is largely due to the lack of opportunity to learn Italian in UK schools, however, there is an advantage to the rarity of Italian speakers in the UK.Although, as the old saying goes, ‘everybody speaks English’, speaking foreign languages such as Italian is a real asset in the world of work. And even if everyone does speak English, having the option of speaking to someone and negotiating with them in their native language can have a big impact.It may surprise yo u to know that Italian is the third most common native language in Europe. In 2012, 63 million people were using Italian to communicate â€" that’s 8.5% of the European population.So, if you end up working for an international company, or one that deals heavily with the rest of Europe, having Italian as a second language will put your CV a cut above the rest.This is especially true for certain sectors such as:ITBusinessTeachingCateringAdministrationThese are all areas in which Italy is a world leader in their research and expertise.And let’s not forget the large multinational Italian companies:Dolce GabbanaLavazzaPirelliGucciAlfa RomeoSo, what do you think? If you’re looking to work for a large corporation, speaking Italian will get you far.Italy’s Top Student CitiesWherever you are in your education, it does no harm to see if spending some time in some of Italy’s beautiful cities would suit you!Study Italian in the tranquil setting of Florence ¦ source: Pixabay - djedjRe gardless of whether you’re thinking about applying to university, choosing a destination for your year abroad or looking for a work placement over the Summer holiday, it’s highly likely that Italy will have something to offer you.Every student is different and has their own ideas about what makes a good student city.For example, some people may look for cities that:Have the best universitiesAre culturally richHave a low cost of livingHave the best nightlifeMilan and its Bocconi university come to mind when discussing the subject of Italy’s best student cities because of its academic prowess.Bocconi is known for its international business courses and its accessibility to work experience and placements.Milan is the ideal destination for fans of both football and fashion, who experience cultural immersion while doing what they love.From a cultural perspective, Florence is undoubtedly an Italian gem which is not to be missed. Santa Maria del Fiore and its incredible dome attracts thousands of visitors to the Tuscan capital every year.With its many museums and historical buildings to explore, Florence is a dream come true for anyone with a particular interest in the history of Italy.In order to preserve their unique culture, the city of Florence has resisted attempts by McDonald's to secure a place in the city centre.If accommodation costs are your main concern, forget Milan. Instead, go to Bologna or Palermo. Further away from Milan’s bustling tourist areas, these two towns offer more affordable living costs for students.When it comes to student club nights and general nightlife, Bologna is the clear winner. The city is one of the top Erasmus student destinations. In other words, you’ll never be stuck for a somewhere to party. Bologna is also known for its relaxed, no-stress atmosphere, which can be handy if you prefer calm environments.So, in addition to Rome, there are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a destination in which to study in Italy. Here are three particularly student-friendly cities: ·               MilanMilan is a pleasant city with is highly popular with tourists and offers several universities.Among these, you’ll find Politecnico and Bocconi.The Politecnico di Milano is one of Italy’s largest science and technology institutions. Famous for its status as one of the country’s best universities, it offers many engineer training programmes from undergraduate to master’s level.Politechnico is an ideal location to get certified in your specialism with a recognised degree certificate whilst learning a new language.Or business students, Bocconi University offers the necessary education for you to become an expert in your field.Bocconi offers high-quality teaching from expert professors, who will guide you on the path to success. ·               FlorenceThe city of Florence has featured on UNESCO’s World Heritage list since 1982 and is, itself, a symbol of the Renaissance.In addition to having produced Mat teo Renzi (former Italian Prime Minister) and Mario Draghi (President of the European Central Bank), the University of Florence is famous for its excellent teaching.If you’re looking for a destination for your year abroad at university, the University of Florence (or UniFI â€" Universita degli Studi di Firenze â€" as it is also known) will delight you.Studying in the birthplace of the Renaissance will give you the opportunity to learn Italian at the country’s historical centre. ·               BolognaWe can’t forget Bologna and its own university, Universita di Bologna. Founded in 1088, this university is one of the oldest in the country (and the world).Bologna: for those who love to party ¦ source: Pixabay - Rita MichelonWith its faculty for Latin history, which opened in 2015, studying here will give you the opportunity to learn more about the history of the Italian language and how Latin formed a basis for Italian grammar and vocabulary.Universita di Bologna offers modules in literature, Italian art history and conversational Italian classes â€" these are just a few examples of the classes which will help you in your learning about the Italian language and culture. ·               Other Italian Cities to ExploreThere are plenty of other towns and cities which are fabulous student destinations such as Naples, Cagliari and Bari.If you go to Naples, Europe’s oldest historical centre, you’ll witness a city fully of relics and evidence of a rich past.In Cagliari, you’ll find yourself at a crossroads of different artistic influences and tastes.Bari will give you the opportunity to study at either its polytechnic school, Università degli Studi di Bari, or Libera Università Mediterrenea.Once you arrive in Italy, you can make the most of your free time by travelling around the country. This is a great way to visit places such as Siena, Tuscany and Pisa with its famous tower.Why You Should Learn to Speak Italian in ItalyIf you decide to sign up to Ital ian language lessons, you certainly won’t be wasting your time.Regardless of your motives, whether you want to explore a new culture, get your dream job, or woo a lady, the Italian language won’t disappoint.But why should you go all the way to Italy to learn this language?Learning a language is generally far easier when you’re in an environment where it is spoken. If you choose to study Italian in Italy, you’ll be fully immersed in your new language every day, meaning that you’ll get to listen to it, speak it, and learn new words all the time.This means that once you return to the UK, your Italian listening comprehension, Italian pronunciation and your ability to use appropriate vocabulary in conversation will have dramatically improved.Cultural immersion is another way of saying that you’ll be dropped in the deep end. This is a great way to make your language learning count, as you’re far more likely to remember a word when you need to use it.Making Italian friends an d learning from them alongside your Italian learning is also incredibly beneficial.Passing from one language to another can slow the progress of the learner, so it’s important that you’re not tempted to seek out other English speakers and speak as much Italian as possible.When you’re spending time in Italy, listen to Italian radio, watch Italian TV and read Italian literature. Surround yourself with the Italian language to the point where you start to think in Italian â€" that’s when you know your second language is becoming second nature.Your ear will get used to hearing the accent that is used in your area, and you’ll soon be able to tell if someone is not local to your city. This will also make the pronunciation far easier to reproduce and you’ll sound less like a foreigner in Italy.Forging friendships with native speakers of Italian is great for your own language skills ¦ source: Visualhunt - Cole HutsonEven if you struggle to stay motivated from time to time, you†™ll always be looking for ways to progress and better get by in your new environment. The good news is that you don’t need to repeat grammar exercises to be able to learn â€" just go outside!If the idea of diving into a new culture without knowing any basic Italian scares you, you can always consider one to one tutoring. Whether it takes place at home or you learn Italian online, your Italian tutor will be able to teach you all you need to know before your trip to Italy. ·               Why Learning Italian is Easy for Native English SpeakersIt may surprise you to know that English shares some of its roots with Italian.This is because both languages are, in part, derived from Latin.So, if you want to learn Italian, learn French, learn Portuguese or learn Spanish, your knowledge of English will only help you.This is because all of these languages are romance languages, meaning that they come from the Latin that was spoken in Roman times. Since large parts of the English vocabulary come directly from French (a romance language), English shares a lot of similarities with this category of languages.You can easily start by finding Italian lessons in your local area â€" what are you waiting for? ·               Learning Italian for Professional PurposesAs Italy is home to a host of International enterprises, businesses both in the UK and Italy favour speakers of Italian over other candidates.Mentioning your Italian language abilities on your CV is a small detail that carries a lot of weight. Your language skills can open doors to new opportunities and career paths.If you work in the tourism industry, having a second language can be handy when dealing with clients and put you a cut above the rest in your company. ·               Learning Italian for FunItaly is a paradise for holidaymakers from all corners of the world looking for sun, sea and sand.If you often think about visiting Italy, you may want to start learning a few Italian words and phrases that can help you get by while you’re there.Speaking the local language is also a good way to get to know the area by talking to those who live and work there.We at Superprof hope that this article has helped you make a decision on visiting Italy and learning Italian.Don’t hesitate to search for your very own Italian tutor on Italian classes London will provide the most results.Happy learning!

Musical Theatre Audition Songs 6 Great Options for Kids

Musical Theatre Audition Songs 6 Great Options for Kids Sign up successful For girls: I Always Knew from Annie Warbucks  No need to be the zillionth young auditionee with Tomorrow. You can show them youre the perfect plucky orphan with a song from the lesser known SEQUELand it happens to be a lovely song! Gee Im Glad Im Nobody Else But Me! from Anne of Green Gables  This is a delightful uptempo number that is hardly overdoneperfect for the young soprano. Sayonara from How to Eat Like a Child The right performer can really get smiles and laughs out of the audition panel with this sassy and funny number. In fact, the whole show is packed with great options. For boys: When I Get My Name in Lights from The Boy from Oz  This is for the young song and dance manthe extrovert! My Best Girl from Mame This is a really effective ballad, and would work especially well if auditioning for a role like the lead in Oliver or any other show from the 50s-60s. Big Blue World from Finding Nemo Looking for something newer? Look no furtherthis show is great for young boys to sing from! Because this show is only performed at Disney World, you dont have to worry about everyone else walking in with this one. So there you have it! There is so much to explore out there as far as musical theatre audition songs go, but remember that the right material shows off both your voice AND personality, no matter what your age is. This video also has a few good recommendations for kids toward the end- Lastly, remember that working with a voice teacher is the best way to find the song or songs that are right for you.  He or she will have plenty of ideas about repertoire, both classic and new, that will suit your voice! Your teacher can also help prepare you for the big day and help you gain the confidence you need to really sell your song. And most voice teachers are knowledgeable about upcoming auditions in their respective communities, so they can help you or your child find local opportunities you may not normally hear about. Break a leg! Looking for  even more song ideas?  Check out our list 400+ songs to sing! Molly R. teaches online and in-person singing lessons in Hayward, CA. Her specialties include teaching beginner vocalists, shy singers, children, teens, lapsed singers, and older beginners. She joined TakeLessons in November 2013. Learn more about Molly  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Eva Rinaldi

How to Get the Most Out of Training and Gain Muscles

How to Get the Most Out of Training and Gain Muscles How to Start Circuit Training ChaptersCircuit Training: One Way of Total Body ToningOther Great Methods Besides CrossFit and Cross trainingOptimize Your Muscle Gain with the Power CircuitAdvice on How to Start Circuit TrainingCircuit training is a high intensity, strength training method that has existed for dozens of years and which is becoming more and more popular with athletes of all levels. Circuit training allows for muscle gain, increased endurance and bodyweight loss that is characterized by intense, short and repeated activity.You’re probably wondering what the advantages are of practising this technique of gaining muscle out of the diverse range of methods available to you: CrossFit, cross-training and classic weight lifting. Superprof invites you to discover the reasons why circuit training is the best way to boost your physical fitness, cardiovascular system and to burn fat â€" regardless of what level of training you’re in.Find a good personal trainer here. Ditch workout plans that aren't tailored to your goals and craft your own plan CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi im oleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCircuit Training: One Way of Total Body ToningCircuit training is a specific method of training that involves weight exercises as well as bodyweight exercises accomplished in a series of short, repeated bursts without pauses for rest. Because of this resistance training method, you’ll be able to have a defined set of exercises in advance that can make for an interesting, interval training style workout routine. Before moving on to the next series of moves, you will have a rest interval.One main concern, whatever your gend er, is working on having a strong butt â€" one that can only be accomplished with physical activity. Luckily, circuit training is one of the ways you can accomplish this while losing weight and adapting it to your level.   This method doesn’t just help with losing weight in specific areas but typically involves upper body and lower body workouts.Circuit training is also a great way to work your heart health through cardiovascular exercise and improve endurance and stamina. Cardiovascular exercises are those that cause you to breathe heavily and is normally is characterized by total body movement.In fact, circuit training depends a lot on your respiratory system and your cardio abilities. Any athlete working with circuit training will be able to see the benefits on their heart and lungs through the weight training involved.In sum, circuit training requires little equipment, such as a kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell or medicine ball and can be adapted to all levels. Each workout shoul d include body workouts that work your full body and muscle groups. Some of the muscles you can expect to work are your biceps, triceps, glutes as well as muscles in your abdominal and leg region.Circuit training shouldn’t be confused with HIIT, which stands for high intensity interval training. While HIIT workouts are very similar to circuit training sessions, including using classic moves like squats and push ups, circuit training actually requires each move to be completed consecutively and without a rest break between them.Other Great Methods Besides CrossFit and Cross trainingCircuit training isn’t the only exercise program you can utilize if you’re training in sports â€" there are other methods you might want to check out, depending on your ultimate goal. Some examples, like CrossFit or cross training, can be equally as effective in providing training exercises for weight loss and for improving general, total body performance.CrossFit is a body workout that is derived fr om the CrossFit Inc. society and involves toning muscles, gymnastics, cardio training and more. Each day, a CrossFit athlete will have a WOD or workout of the day, defined for them in advance.Finding maps online that display gyms officially affiliated with CrossFit is a great way of finding a gym that is in your price range as well as willing to be adaptable to whatever sports level. The CrossFit method depends on discipline and intensity.CrossFit is different from circuit training in a number of aspects:Both can use materials like weights, but CrossFit tends to utilize heavier weightsCircuit training is centred around cardiovascular health while CrossFit centres around muscle gainCircuit training can be adapted specifically to womenCircuit training focuses on being a fat loss program that functions on working all parts of the body equallyOn the other hand, both training methods are very similar in many aspects, like the aspect of rest intervals. In both methods, this rest time tend s to be very short. Whether you’re at the gym with a personal trainer or simply workout out at home, both methods will leave you sweating with your heart pounding. Another similarity they share is the fact that both have a diverse range of body areas they focus on. You can combine high intensity cardio with your circuit routineCross Training is another training method you might be interested in to burn calories or body fat, which gets its name from the other two types but actually doesn’t have a lot to do with the two. Actually, cross training is generally used in sports played at the professional level and consists of training in a sport that is distinct to the one you’re already doing in order to reinforce different skills.This method allows an athlete to work on muscles other than the ones typically worked in the sport they specialize in. If you’re currently not training in a sport at a higher level, this method is probably not of interest.Optimize Your Muscle Gain with the Power CircuitIn order to work on specific areas of the body, athletes often turn to classic exercises and machines they can use that involves lifting weights. Weightlifting is one of the most classic methods of training that is characterized by completing the liftin g movement and then pausing between each rep of lifting.As you can see, this kind of workout is area-specific: arms, abdominal or legs â€" weightlifting allows you to train and build muscle in an efficient way. Comparing this to circuit training, instead of getting a general workout that works the whole body, classic weightlifting works specific body parts and is therefore very efficient in building muscle.Check for a personal trainer near me here.This, however, doesn’t mean that circuit training and weightlifting are  incompatible as training workouts. Weightlifting exercises can be integrated in a circuit workout framework and, going further, also combined with cardio exercise. For example, in order to move from a classic circuit training session, aimed for beginners, to a complex circuit training, aimed at muscular endurance, there exists one method called the power circuit.Circuit training has the advantage of increasing your metabolism, or metabolic rate, which is a result of the structure of the full body workout. After each rep, in which the body has a short recovery time, the body starts to burn fat. Methods such as the power circuit training are defined by fat burning exercises, with the number of reps adjustable to each level.For classic power circuit training, it is advised to complete 30 or 40 reps per move, with around 6 different exercises and 5 overall circuits. This framework isn’t static, though, and is meant to be modified according to skill level and the ability for whole-body movement.The efficiency of power circuit training can be traced to the explosive movements: each movement should be strategic and powerful in order for you to get meaningful results. Again, circuit training is based on time and not on the number of repetitions â€" something that applies to power circuit training as well.It’s also advised to alternate movements in order for variation in the areas you are working. This will give both your upper and lower body a wor kout â€" a full-body exercise routine where no muscle should be neglected.One session of power circuit training can be done in less than half an hour and gives you the intensity of weightlifting with the short time commitment of circuit training when compared to classic weightlifting.   There are many other ways to turn your power circuit training session into a cardio workout by incorporating both more anaerobic and aerobic exercise moves in each circuit. Practice circuit training with a friend or family member!Advice on How to Start Circuit TrainingCircuit training is a great way to increase cardiovascular fitness through weightlifting in order to experience both toning and realize your fitness goals. To get all the benefits of circuit training, you should prioritize good form.Your benefit from the total body workout of circuit training either with friends or alone, depending on what style of workout atmosphere you prefer. Regardless of what you choose, make sure your training environment is secure and safe.Completing strength exercises and body workouts for weight control is only one component to a healthy body. Paying close attention to what you feed your body and mind is an essential part of feeling and looking healthy.In order to reap the most fat burning and endurance building benefits out of the bodyweight exercises you do in this type of fitness program, eating a healthy diet will be just as important to building up your major muscle groups as the pushups and lunges you perform.Here are some examples of the types of exercises you’re likely to encounter in circuit training:Inverse crunchesRowingBurpeesJumping jacks or jump ropeMountain climber or jogging in placeTriceps or tricep dipsThe ideal circuit training is composed of a half hour of training and a half hour of rest. Each exercise should last anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute, with the same amount of rest time in between each move. What are you waiting for? Start your circuit training today!

Creative Coaching

Creative Coaching Everything You Need to Know About Creative Coaching ChaptersNot Just For Creative PeopleBasic Principles of Creative CoachingWho Could Benefit From Creative Coaching?Benefits of Creative CoachingFinding a Creative CoachCreative coaching is a coaching method that helps individuals grow into their most authentic selves.   The process is designed to bring the coach and the client together to collaborate on identifying and nurturing the clients’ greatest visions for themselves as people whether they are artists or just need a different perspective on life. To be creative is “relating to or involving the imagination.” We are all capable of using our imaginations. Every time we make a decision we imagine which choice we want. By using your imagination, you tap into the creative mind. The creative mind  is where we can make  the changes needed for a better life. Our ability to apply these creative skills, thinking and expression in all aspects of our lives provides enormous benefits and results.Creativity Coaching as a professional pra ctice aims to help clients figure out how to articulate and nurture their creative vision for themselves, recognize obstacles, establish attainable strategies for moving toward their visions and in setting up systems of shred and self-accountability to assist them in achieving their goals.  Creative coaching is all about seeing challenges and solving problems using multiple perspectives. Sometimes, we get caught up in our own thoughts and habits and don’t recognize that we have the tools to see old challenges in a new way. By approaching obstacles in this way, we can often find options and solutions we’ve used successfully in the past.A coach can help you unlock your creativity. (Source: stux)Basic Principles of Creative CoachingAt the centre of coaching is the idea that clients are given the power to help themselves. Creative coaches will not offer advice, give their opinions or pass judgement, but instead, they will equip you with the tools so you can help yourself. Instead o f instructing you, they will guide you to an answer. There are some basic principles of creative coaching that all coaches should follow:- Subjectivity: we all have different perspectives, none of which are 'right' or 'wrong', but some perspectives can be restrictive and can stop a person becoming who they want to be.- Empowerment: it is within everyone's capability to adjust their own perspective. With the tools that you learn through life coaching, anyone can learn to open their mind to achieve their goals.- Guidance: there is a difference between an instructor and a guide. An instructor shows a person exactly what to do, whereas a guide provides the tools and support a person needs to do something for themselves. A life coach is a guide, not an instructor; they will not tell you what to do.Have you ever thought: I really should update my website; I should call that contact I met last week; I should do a lot of things, but I just don’t have the energy or drive.Coaching can help you deal with these, and any other issues you might have in your career, or your life.Coaching is a means of bringing clarity to your life. It is a tool that will help you unlock your innate and natural creativity.Coaching helps you overcome the stumbling blocks that are holding you back from being the very best that you want to be.And there’s the core of creative coaching: it’s about what you want to be. Not what your agent, your boss, your partner, your friends, or even your life coach wants you to be.Coaching is not therapy. Rather, it is for people who are stable and grounded, yet feel stuck. Life coaches will encourage you to look at the present and the future, rather than dwelling on the past.A creative coach can improve many areas in your life (Source: jill111)Benefits of Creative CoachingCreative coaching can help you face your day with energy and enthusiasm, brimming with ideas and positivity to face the day. It can help you tap into your creative side so you can look a t life from a different perspective and think outside the box to find solutions to your problems, whether at work or at home.When you have clarity about what is important, essential and necessary in your work, in your life, then creative changes begin to happen. The exciting thing about tapping into your natural creativity is that once you start, your creativity overflows into all aspects of your life.Even if you don’t think you’re the creative ‘type’, we all have creativity in us. Creativity flows from a clear and calm mind. There is nothing to stop you from tapping into your natural store of talent. It is only the clutter within your mind that prevents your true creativity from shining through.Even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush, it doesn’t mean you don’t have the potential for creative expression. If you’ve ever cooked a meal, chaired a meeting, played a sport or written a report, then you’ve used your innate creative talents.Creative coaching can help b ring these talents out in a client no matter your profession.If you are a writer, photographer, artist, designer, musician, filmmaker, craftsperson or anyone in the creative industries, life coaching can help you tap into new and deeper layers of creativity to help you reach levels of success you’ve only dreamed of before.If you are a salesperson supplying goods and services to the creative industries; if you run a gallery; if you work with public arts organisations; if you’re an artists’ agent; if you are part of any business that is connected to the creative industries; then life coaching can help you find creative solutions that will make your business more efficient, more effective and more profitable.Finding a Creative CoachIn the UK creative coaching is an unregulated profession. This basically means that anyone can call themselves a coach. This doesn’t mean that you won’t find a great coach, it just makes it essential you do your research.Search online directories t o find coaches that have memberships with a professional body and have the appropriate insurance cover and qualifications.Having said this, rapport is one of the most important factors in finding the right coach for you. So don’t focus solely on qualifications but instead focus on finding someone you feel comfortable with.It’s a good idea to get in touch with a coach before you book a session. This way you can get a feel of what the coach is like before you commit yourself. Don’t feel obliged to continue if you don't want to, you are choosing someone to help you reach your personal goals so make sure you find someone you’re happy with.There are many resources online where you can find the right coach for you. You can search for specialist business coaches, relationship, spirituality or even creative coaches (if you need some help finding creativity in your life!).Sites like this one are full of resources to find a coach. Simply type in your postcode or town and hit the sear ch button to find a coach near you. Here you’ll find different profiles which describe who they are and what they do.No matter where you look for a coach make sure you do your research. Check that they have references, relevant experience and be picky!Creative coaching is something we can all benefit from at some point in life. It can help all of us find different perspectives on life and is a tool that can enrich our lives and help us lead a happier one!See more about these different types of coaching:personal development coachinghealth coachingbusiness coachingspiritual life coach

The PSAT Tips and Tricks for Success - Private Tutoring

The PSAT Tips and Tricks for Success Amy W Sep 14, 2018 Find a Top Rated PSAT Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Looking for some PSAT tips and tricks to ace the PSAT this year? The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, or PSAT, is usually taken in your freshman or sophomore year and while it doesn’t have any impact on your college applications, developing some of the best PSAT tips to help develop your confidence and improve your test results. Why Should I Take the PSAT? The most important thing about the PSAT is that it is used for many scholarship applications, including the National Merit Scholarship.   However, beyond that, the main reason to take the PSAT is to better prepare yourself for the SAT test that is looming on the horizon. Structure of the PSAT The PSAT underwent re-structuring in 2015 and is now a longer test, requiring 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete. The other significant change is that there are no longer five answer options, there are only four. There are three sections in the test: Reading, Writing and language, and Math The number of questions on each section are fairly evenly distributed, but the time allocated to each section varies. The bulk of your time is spent on reading and math, and just 35 minutes spent on writing and language. Now with this information you can adequately prepare for each section and adjust your study schedule based on your personal strengths and weaknesses. PSAT Tips and Tricks Now, if you dont know it by now (and you ought to) then listen carefully..any test that you are going to take requires preparation.   Do I need to repeat that? ??   Good! So now lets get into PSAT tips that can help you move the needle and increase that score! Be prepared Yes, that means reading this, reviewing what the test is like, topics covered and determining your strengths and weaknesses prior to taking the test. Get help whether thats in a study group or working with someone that can help with PSAT prep, its going to make a difference in your results.   Plus it will require you to take the time to prepare. Take a practice test Before you start actual studying, take a full test so that you know where you stand at the outset.   This will help with knowing your strengths and weaknesses before moving forward. Set goals we all do better if we have goals and objectives that were working towards.   Achievable goals of 20 30% better than when you first took the test isnt unreasonable (assuming you arent trying to prep for the PSAT in three days). When taking PSAT tests, make sure that you do it just like it would be done in the actual exam.   There are several reasons for this. First, you get more comfortable with the test taking environment. Secondly, youre results will be more on target with what you might actually do in the real exam. Review results This is critical!   With each test that you take, check and see where your results are improving and where you still might want to spend more time. As it gets closer to the actual date, increase the amount of time spent in areas where you are still weak. Prepare with SAT or PSAT books Since there is less available resources for the PSAT as compared to the SAT, incorporate some of the questions and review using SAT questions and resources.   The types of questions and information required will be very similar and can help you. To guess or not to guess That has been the question for years!   Now, guessing is better.   Theres no longer any penalty for guessing on the PSAT exam. Unknown answers Like we said above, guessing is better than blanks!   One tip to help, if its a total guess, guess the same letter for every question if you really have no idea on any answer.   This doesnt mean if you are down to 2 answers to guess D if you think it might be B or A.   But if you have no idea at all, choose one letter and every question that you find yourself in like that, always answer that letter. Statistically it will increase your chances of a few of those guessed answers being right. Spend time on question you can answer If a question isnt clear or youve got doubts, pick your default answer as we said in #9 and move on!   Got time at the end?   Come back to those that have default answers and see what you can do.   But nothing is worse than getting to the end of a test and having several unanswered questions because you ran out of time. Eliminate obvious answers Now, we kinda mentioned this above but lets be super clearcross out all wrong answers to see whats left.   Youll be amazed how many questions youll then be able to answer. Read, read, read, read, read If you like to read and practice reading youre going to be ahead of many students.   These tests require reading and the better, faster and more observant reader you are the better youre going to do.   Is that incentive enough to stop the video games and pick up a book? Review take a little time and review basic grammar with a teacher or online.   In addition, make sure to take a little time and review and memorize the basic math formulas that youve covered to date.   Practice a few problems on your calculator so that theres no struggle with it during the exam. How to Cram for the PSAT Yes, you can do that! Its just going to be an extremely concentrated review using the various tips we recommended above. Start?   Begin by taking a PSAT prep test.   Thats going to give you your basics and let you know where you stand.   Next, determine what resources youre going to use to prepare for the exam? You can find one of our PSAT tutors easily enough to help you cram and get tips that will make a difference or you can use review guides like these in the time youve got available. Allocate time no matter how many days youve got.   Every little bit does count and will make a difference. Incorporate any and all of our tips above into your study time leading up to the exam.   The more time, better focus you have, the better your results! Ok, weve come up with 13 PSAT Tips and Tricks to help you prepare for one of your first, of many, major test taking adventures.   By starting off on this path well prepared, youre setting yourself up for success not only on this test but on your future SAT test and other exams as well.   So spend some time, sleep, eat and get some exercise and you just might blow by the score results that you set for yourself!   Weve seen it happen before. We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

Hey, College Students Stretching is the New Working Out

Hey, College Students Stretching is the New Working Out While the only locations currently are in Manhattan, New Jersey, and Florida, these are likely going to continue popping up around the country, as many continuously hit the gym without knowing what they’re doing to their bodies. According to DuBose, “There are all these peak fitness places that have popped up … People go five times a week and their muscles are very overworked and contracted.” So her business is meant to help these individuals to relax because essentially, working out isn’t just about getting in shape, but in helping your body to adjust as you do so. And, let’s be honest, most of us don’t really make the time to stretch before and/or after a workout, which is actually doing a large disservice to our muscles. At least, that’s what DuBose believes, and she isn’t alone. Several other “stretching” gyms have popped up across the country, including StretchOut Studios in Boston, and Stretchlab in Los Angeles, Florida, NC and a few more about to open in Houston, Detroit, and Connecticut. According to Diane Waye, owner of Stretching by the Bay in San Francisco, “Stretching is especially important in our modern world because we don’t have as many slow movements integrated into most of our lives anymore. We need to keep our range of motion open to help prevent joint disease, pain and posture issues and to improve athletic performance,” she said. Of course, this isn’t the first time fitness fads have swept the nation. Think Zumba, step classes, dancercise, etc. According to Meredith Poppler, “Just like any small business, there are definite challenges to operating a health club High competition, especially in urban areas, is often fierce, and member retention rates keep many club operators up all night.” And even more difficult for Power Stretch Studios is the fact that it’s only meant as a supplemental tool to getting fit, which many individuals will be unwilling to spend money on for a membership. There are very few college students that would pay to stretch at a gym when they could at home for free. According to Rick Charron, manager of StretchOut Studios, “You have to let your body get used to it … This is something that may start off painful, but you give it a couple of times and the pain will decrease as your range of motion increases.” That being said, flexibility isn’t the only goal of the studios. They also aim to reduce tension experienced by those working out. Or even for those that aren’t working out and just have a lot of tension. DuBose said the following: “Whether you work out or don’t work out, your muscles contract throughout the day … That keeps happening over time and puts pressure on your nerves and bones. People have nagging pain and they can’t figure out how to get rid of it, so they just live with it … It’s even worse for people who do work out … because when they stretch all that effort simply creates more contracting and more tension.” So what do you get from this studio exactly? In the Manhattan location, 45-minute sessions (burning 125 calories) costs roughly $80-100. For a full hour, the cost is between $90-120. While originally, group classes were offered, DuBose no longer believes they work, and neither do machines, “because they don’t know how far to stretch your body or when to stop.” Pete McCall, spokesman for the American Council on Exercise, had this to say: “For the last five to seven years, the trend has been high-intensity like CrossFit … But now we’re seeing a shift in the opposite direction, where the thinking is, ‘Let’s work on passive mobility and range-of-motion and the recovery aspect of exercise.’ We’re starting to see more studios focus on passive stretching, or highlight it. They’re doing one-on-one sessions and group classes where the instructor coaches you how to position various limbs.” So essentially, working out is a necessary evil (as we are all, unfortunately, aware). However, workouts don’t need to be supplemented just with a healthy diet, but also with healthy, post-workout practices. It’s very easy to get in the habit of stretching before and after a workout, but we have to start taking those first steps on our own, even if we can’t afford to pay someone else to help us do so. And even for those of you that aren’t necessarily active but that need to stretch to relax, take just 10 minutes a day to stretch yourself out well to relieve some of that built-up tension that you may not even know is there. You’ll be glad you did.